"Werner Siemens Imaging Center"
- Funding Agency: Werner Siemens-Foundation, Zug, Switzerland
- Applicant: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 2016 – 2023 (2. funding period)
- Subproject C03: "Impact of reactive oxygen species and NF-kB signaling during hapten- induced skin inflammation"
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Principal Investigators: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler, Dr. Manfred Kneilling
- Funding period (2. funding period): 01.07.2019-30.06.2023
"Dr. K. H. Eberle Forschungspreis 2020"
- Funding Agency: Dr. K. H. Eberle Foundation
- Applicant: Prof. Dr. André Martins, Dr. Sabrina Hoffmann
- Funding period: 2021 – 2022
"Heating up the immune system Immuno-thermal therapy for targeting immune networks to control melanoma metastasis"
- Funding Agency: Fritz Bender Stiftung
- Principal Investigators: Prof. Dr. Bettina Weigelin
- Funding period: 2022 - 2022
"Health first: Translationale Forschung und Infrastruktur in Tübingen - Immuno-PET"
- Funding Agency: MWK
- Principal Investigators: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 2021 - 2022
"Health first: Translationale Forschung und Infrastruktur in Tübingen - Radiopharmazie Infrastruktur"
- Funding Agency: MWK
- Principal Investigators: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 2021 - 2022
"PET Imaging of Alpha-Synuclein Fibril Formatio (PET-AlphaSy)"
- Funding Agency: EU
- Principal Investigators: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler, Dr. Kristina Herfert, Dr. Andreas Maurer
- Funding period: 01.09.2018-31.08.2022
"NAPKON - Nationales Pandemie Kohorten Netz - Nationales Forschungsnetzwerk der Universitätsmedizin"
- Funding Agency: BMBF
- Principal Investigators: Dr. Christoph Trautwein
- Funding period: 2021 - 2021
"Targeting therapeutic windows in essential cellular processes for tumor therapy ( SFB FOR 2314)"
- Subproject Z02: "Multiparametric Imaging and Molecular Probed Design Platform"
- Subproject TP 01: "Therapeutic Induction and Image Guided Exploration of Cellular senescence for Cancer Therapy"
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Subproject Z02 Leaders: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler, Prof. Dr. Antti Poso
- Subproject TP 01 Leaders: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler, Prof. Dr. Lars Zender
- Funding period (2. funding period): 16.07.2018-15.07.2021
"Platelets – Molecular, cellular and systemic functions in health and disease (SFB TRR 240)"
- Subproject Z04: "Metabolic Imaging"
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Subproject leader: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.07.2018 – 30.06.2022
- Funding Agency: EU
- Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.10.2017-30.09.2021
"Trimodal imaging of human brain networks using simultaneous PET/MR/EEG"
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Applicants: Prof. Dr. Christian la Fougère, Prof. Dr. Niels Focke, Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.03.2018-28.02.2021
- Funding Agency: Dr. Karl Helmuth Eberle-Stiftung
- Principal Investigators: Prof. Dr. Robert Feil, Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler, Dr. Susanne Feil
- Funding period: 01.12.2017-30.11.2020
"Investigation of a potential new PET tracer for alpha-synuclein pathology in the brain"
- Funding Agency: Michael J. Fox Foundation
- Principal Investigator: Dr. Kristina Herfert
- Funding period: 01.10.2018-31.01.2020
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Applicant: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.02.2017-31.01.2020
"The skin as a sensor and effector organ orchestrating local and systemic immune (SFB TRR 156)"
- Subproject C03: "Impact of reactive oxygen species and NF-kB signaling during hapten- induced skin inflammation"
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Subproject leaders: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler, Dr. Manfred Kneilling
- Funding period (1. funding period): 01.07.2015-30.06.2019
"Innovative cancer therapy management: First in human senescence imaging (SenPET)"
- Funding Agency: EU
- Applicant: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.04.2018 bis 30.09.2019
- Funding Agency: BMBF
- Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period (2. funding period): 01.05.2017-30.04.2019
- Funding Agency: EU
- Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.10.2013-30.09.2018
“Multimodal Imaging of rare Synucleinopathies (MultiSyn)”
- Funding Agency: EU
- WP1 leader: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.10.2013-30.09.2018
“Targeting therapeutic windows in essential cellular processes for tumor therapy ( SFB FOR 2314)”
- Subproject Z02: “Multiparametric and metabolic Imaging“
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Subproject Leaders: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler, Prof. Dr. Andreas Beilhack
- Funding period: 02.07.2015-01.07.2018
“Multiparametric Tumor Imaging and Beyond: Towards Understanding in vivo Signals (IMAGELINK)”
- Funding Agency: EU
- Applicant: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.06.2013-31.05.2018
“Platelets - Molecular Mechanisms and Translational Implications (KFO 274)”
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Subproject Leaders: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler, Prof. Dr. Robert Feil, Prof. Dr. Tilman Schäffer
- Funding period (2. funding period): 01.01.2015-31.12.2017
“Multimodale Bildgebung bei Patientinnen mit primärem Mammacarcinom”
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Applicants: Prof. Dr. Konstantin Nikolaou, Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler, Prof. Dr. Christian la Fougère, Prof. Dr. Falko Fend, Prof. Dr. Sara Brucker, Prof. Dr. Markus Hahn
- Funding period: 06.04.2016-31.10.2017
“Immunotherapy: Molecular Basis and Clinical Application (SFB 685)”
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Subproject leaders: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler, Dr. Manfred Kneilling
- Funding period (2. funding period): 01.07.2013-30.06.2017
- Funding Agency: BMBF
- Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period (1. funding period): 01.05.2014-30.04.2017
Werner Siemens-Foundation endowed professorship “functional imaging”
- Funding Agency: Werner Siemens-Foundation, Zug, Switzerland
- Applicants: Prof. Dr. Claus Claussen, Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.01.07-31.12.16
- Funding Agency: Werner Siemens-Foundation, Zug, Switzerland
- Applicant: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 2012 – 2015
- Funding Agency: BMBF
- Subproject 3 leader: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.01.2013–31.12.2015
“European Training Network for Excellence in Molecular Imaging in Diabetes (BetaTrain)”
- Funding Agency: EU
- Leader of subprojects: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.01.2012-31.12.2015
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Subproject Leaders: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler, Prof. Dr. Claus Claussen, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kramer
- Funding period: 01.12.2012 – 30.11.2015
“Biomarkers and molecular tumor classification for non-genotoxic carcinogenesis (MARCAR)”
- Funding Agency: EU
- WP7 Leader: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.03.2012-30.05.2015
“Platelets - Molecular Mechanisms and Translational Implications (KFO 274)”
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period (1. funding period) : 01.12.2011-30.11.2014
"PhD Research Training Group “Preclinical Molecular Imaging”
- Funding Agency: Werner Siemens-Foundation, Zug, Switzerland
- Applicant: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 2009-2014
“Neuartige multifunktionale, nanopartikuläre Formulierung für kombinierte Diagnose und Therapie maligner Erkrankungen (NanoGuide)”
- Funding Agency: BMBF
- Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.01.2011-31.12.2013
“Immunotherapy: Molecular Basis and Clinical Application (SFB 685)”
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Subproject leaders: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler, Dr. Manfred Kneilling
- Funding period (1. funding period): 01.07.2009-30.06.2013
“MRI-based attenuation correction of PET images in clinical PET/MR”
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Applicant: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 02.04.2010-01.04.2013
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Applicants: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler, PD Dr. Gerald Reischl
- Funding period (2. funding period): 01.06.2010-31.12.2012
“Understanding and Overcoming Therapy Resistance of Solid Tumours (SFB 773)”
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Subproject leaders: Dr. Bernd Pichler, Prof. Dr. Claus Claussen, Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Machulla
- Funding period: 01.07.2008-30.06.2012
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Applicants: Prof. Dr. Ursula Elsäßer-Beile, Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.04.2009-31.03.2012
“Angiogenese-Targeting für Diagnose und Therapie – MoBiMed”
- Funding Agency: BMBF
- Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.09.2008-29.02.2012
“Development of novel PET detectors based on Geigermode Avalanche Photodiodes (G-APDs) for Molecular Imaging Applications”
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Applicant: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.03.2009-29.02.2012
“A systems biology approach towards predictive cancer therapy”
- Funding Agency: BMBF
- Subproject Leader: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.07.2008-31.12.2011
“Development and Validation of a combined PET/MRI Scanner for Biomedical Research”
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Applicant: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.10.2008-30.09.2011
“Development of Methods, Protocols and Databases to Reduce the Number and to Decrease the Exposure Level of Animals by High Resolution Positron Emission tomography and multimodal imaging”
- Funding Agency: BMBF
- Applicant: Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.03.2008-28.02.2011
Subproject: “Aβ and Tau aggregation: Initiation, modulation and imaging”
- Funding Agency: BMBF
- Subproject Leaders: Prof. Dr. Matthias Jucker, Dr. Bernd Pichler, Prof. Dr. Philipp Kahle
- Funding period: 01.10.2007-30.09.2010
- Funding Agency: DFG
- Applicants: Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Machulla, Dr. Gerald Reischl, Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: (1. funding period) 01.11.2006-31.10.2009
“Non-invasive Imaging of T Cell Trafficking”
- Funding Agency: R03 National Institute of Health, USA
- Applicant: Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.09.2005-31.08.2008
“An integrated PET-MRI-System for Molecular Imaging”
- Funding Agency: R21 National Institute of Health, USA
- Applicant: Dr. Bernd Pichler
- Funding period: 01.09.2004-30.04.2008