About us
Imaging Sciences
Biomedical imaging sciences aim at visualizing structural, functional and metabolic information from living organisms such as humans and animals. It plays an increasingly important role in basic science as well as clinical diagnostics of many disease areas such as oncology, neurology, and cardiology. Also disciplines like immunology or infectious diseases, which usually had no high affinity to imaging, exploit options how imaging can positively contribute to their research or clinical diagnosis. Imaging sciences are therefore a key driver in basic biological as well as clinical sciences.
Mission of the Imaging Science Center (ISC)
The interdisciplinary nature of the ISC will integrate and be mutually beneficial to imaging sciences, histopathology, pharmacy and imaging probe development, systems biology, bioinformatics, computer sciences, metabolic imaging and omics. It hosts in its virtual structure leading institutes at Universities of Tübingen and Stuttgart as well as the Max Planck Institutes of Biological Cybernetics and Intellligent Systems.
Main goal of the ISC is to converge the different imaging methologies, exploit their options at different scales based on the functional as well as metabolic processes they reveal.
Service platform ISC
The ISC Tübingen - Stuttgart serves as a national competence center for imaging sciences. Our comprehensive imaging facility is open for external users from academia and industry to perform experiments requiring imaging sciences e.g. in the field of drug development. Here at the ISC will be welcoming national, European and international collaboration partners.
Latest News
New National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) site in Tübingen
The two Comprehensice Cancer Centers Tübingen-Stuttgart (CCC-TS) and Ulm (CCCU) have jointly succeeded in being selected as one of the four new locations oft the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) and are thus receiving high national recognition and funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). With the main location in Tübingen, the future partner location NCT-SouthWest has an excellent environment in the field of clinical cancer research. This is evidenced by its status as a renowned university of excellence, the internationally renowned university hospital and the only German cluster of excellence in cancer research (iFIT). The two Comprehensice Cancer Centers Tübingen-Stuttgart and Ulm can look back on many years of successful cooperation in conducting clinical studies and in the establishment of a network of Centers for Personalized Medicine.
Dr. André Martins honored with Sofja Kovalevskaja Award (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) 2020

Dr. André Martins, group leader of the Hyperpolarized & Multimodal Contrast Imaging Science group at the Werner Siemens Imaging Center (WSIC), is one of this year's recipients of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's Sofja Kovalevskaja Award. This award, one of the highest endowed science awards in Germany, honors talented early-career international researchers. It provides up to 1.65 million euros for a five-year research project and enables establishing an independent research group at a research institution in Germany.
Link to Partners
- Max Planck Institute for Biological Kybernetics
- Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
- Institute for Physiology (Physiologie II) (Prof. Dr. Garaschuk)
Department of Preclinical Imaging and Radiopharmacy (Prof. Dr. Pichler)
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
(Prof. Dr. Nikolaou) -
Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology
(Prof. Dr. Ernemann) -
Institute for Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Molecular Imaging
(Prof. Dr. la Fougère)