WMIC 2023
During this year's WMIC conference in Prag, our head of the department, Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler was awarded the "WMIS Gold Medal - Highest Honor for his contribution in the field of molecular imaging"
The WMIS awards the Gold Medal to scientists for highlights and outstanding molecular research and new discoveries focused on the integration of molecular imaging into science and healthcare to develop innovative complementary approaches to understand biology and improve patient care.
The WMIS writes on their pages:
"The Gold Medal is the highest honor within the Society and is awarded for a major research contribution to the field of molecular imaging within the scope of the Society’s purposes. Dr. Pichler was chosen in recognition of extraordinary achievements in molecular imaging research that have led to paradigm-shifting technological and methodological advances and creating key insights into human diseases. The Gold Medal Award lecture was held during the Closing Ceremonies on Saturday, September 9th 2023"
Many congratulations on this!
WMIC 2023
At the WMIC 2023 conference in Prag, three of our lab members - Laura Kübler, Sixing Li and Vera Jörke - got awarded with the "Women in Molecular Imaging Network Scholar Award".

European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO) 2023
At the 2023 ESHO Meeting in Cologne, Oliver Hihn from our Preclinical Imaging of the Immune System group was awarded with the "Young Investigator Award" for his work on "Sublethal T cell hits induce melanoma cell senescence during immuno-thermal therapy". Congratulations to this achievement Oli!

EMIM 2023
At this year's conferenc in Salzburg (Austria), Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler, head of the WSIC was honored with the "ESMI Honorary Membership" for his outstanding research and contributions to the Society.
Well deserved! Congratulations
WMIC 2022
Our lab member Sophie Stotz was awarded with the "Young Investigator Award" at the WMIC conference 2022. Well done!
NRM Conference 2021
Our lab members Ran Sing Saw, Sabrina Buss and Tudor Ionescu were awarded with the "Student and Young Investigator Award" by the NRM. Congratulations.
DGN 2021
Our head of the department, Prof. Dr. Bernd Pichler, received the "Georg-von-Hevesy Medaille" from the DGN for his contributions in the field of Nuclear Medicine.
WMIC 2021
The WMIC 2022 in Miami was a full success for our lab!
Our PhD student Sophie Stotz placed third in the Young Investigator Competition amongst all submissions with her work:
[18F]pFBC is a Covalent CLIPTag Radiotracer for PET Reporter Gene Imaging of Viral Gene Transfer in the Murine Brain.

WMIC 2021
During the WMIC 2021 virtual conference, three members of our lab has been awarded with the "Women in Molecular Imaging Network Scholar Award (WIMIN)" by the WMIS.
Awardees are:
Simone Blaess, Vera Jörke, Julia Stahl
Congratulations on that award!
Martin Haller publication Award 2019
For her excellent work on "Visualization and quantification of in vivo homing kinetics of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in primary and metastatic cancer" Dr. Sabrina Hoffmann was awarded the Martin Haller publication Award 2019.
The Martin Haller Publication Award for an excellent scientific paper in the field of cancer research was donated from Ms. Hildegard Haller to support joung scinetists in cancer research.
Due to the Corona pandemics the ceremony for the award was helt on December 13th 2021.
Many gratulations on this and many thanks!

Dr. K. H. Eberle Foundation: Reserch Prize 2020
For their work on the development of a microscopy method with which even the smallest changes in tissue metabolism can be imaged locally and in real time, Dr. André Martins and Dr. Sabrina Hoffmann from our Hyperpolarized Metabolism & Multimodal-Imaging Sciences group have been awarded with the research prize 2020 by the Dr. K. H. Eberle Foundation. Together with their project partners Dr. Lörinc Sárkány and Professor József Fortágh (Center for Quantum Science University of Tübingen) they will shed a light on disease-related changes of the metabolism of tissues. The metabolism is characteristic for the tissues' state of health and is thus ideally suited for medical diagnostics. The awarded winning project "Microscopy of Metabolism" will contribute to the development of novel methods that could become part of preclinical imaging as a new diagnostic procedure in personalized medicine.
EMIM and WMIS Young Investigator Award 2020
Sabina Marciano got awarded for her innovative research with both, the Young Investigator Award at the 2020 vEMIM conference and with the Young Investigator Award 2020 at the vWMIC conference.
Title: Imaging In Vivo CRISPR/Cas9 Neuronal Gene Editing in the Adult Rat Brain
Her work pioneers the combinatorial use of molecular brain imaging and in vivo CRISPR/SaCas9 to gain concurrent and complementary information of the changes in receptors, transporters and neurotransmitters at early to late stages of disease. Further, it holds the potential to study the direct link between regional genetic mutations, protein expression and the brain connectome, evaluating gene editing effects beyond the targeted brain circuitry.

EMIM Award for best Presentation 2020
Dr. Bettina Weigelin, group leader of the Multiscale Immunoimaging group, was awarded with a presentation award at the vEMIM conference 2020.
Title: MMP-independent cancer cell invasion guided by tissue microchannels
Sofja Kovalevskaja Award (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) 2020
Dr. André Martins is one of this year's recipients of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's Sofja Kovalevskaja Award. This award, one of the highest endowed science awards in Germany, honors talented early-career international researchers.It provides up to 1.65 million euros for a five-year research project and enables establishing an independent research group at a research institution in Germany.André Martins' team is interested in understanding relevant paradigms in human pathology and physiology through accurate non-invasive biomedical imaging. The team uses highly translational molecular and metabolic imaging approaches to determine the role of metabolism in various diseases.Martins' team is also working in the development of the next generation of non-invasive metabolic sensors for biomedical imaging, for example, biomarkers of metabolism in cancer senescence, diabetes, stroke or inflammation, and immunology.
With the funding of 1.65 million euros from the Sofja Kovalevskaja Award, Martins plans to focus research on metabolic tumor heterogeneity. The tumor microenvironment is a heterogeneous space composed of different cells, metabolites, and molecules that can confer evolutionary advantages to the tumor. The aberrant metabolism of cancer cells leads to alterations in the local tumor microenvironment.
Full press release Univerity of Tübingen

Thesis Award 2020
On 24th January 2020, in the framework of the academic ceremony of the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Medicine of the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen granted the thesis award of the Professor Dietrich Plester-Foundation to Dr. Prateek Katiyar for his PhD thesis
"Quantification of tumor heterogeneity using PET/MRI and machine learning".
Many congratulations on this.
Dr. Wilhelm Friedrich Fischer Foundation Award 2020
On 24th January 2020, the Faculty of Medicine of the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen granted the award of the Dr. Wilhelm Friedrich Fischer Foundation to Dr. Johannes Schwenck for the following Paper:
"Intention-to-Treat Analysis of 68Ga-PSMA and 11C-Choline PET/CT Versus CT for Prostate Cancer Recurrence After Surgery" (J Nucl Med. 2019 Oct;60(10):1359-1365)
The prize was awarded at the Research Colloquium of the Faculty of Medicine and has the purpose to promote young scientists in the area of radiological research.
Georg-von-Hevesy-Award 2015
In 2015, the German Association of Nuclear Medicine (DGN) granted the Georg-von-Hevesy-Award to Florian Maier for his publication
"Longitudinal PET-MRI reveals b-amyloid deposition and rCBF dynamics and connects vascular amyloidosis to quantitative loss of perfusion" in the journal Nature Medicine (Nat Med. 2014 Dec;20(12):1485-92).
DGN award for achievements in the field of imaging 2015
In 2015, the German Association of Nuclear Medicine (DGN) granted the DGN award for achievements in the field of imaging to Dr. Christoph Grießinger for his publication
"In vivo tracking of Th1 cells by PET reveals quantitative and temporal distribution and specific homing in lymphatic tissue" in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine (J Nucl Med. 2014 Feb;55(2):301-7).
Hans-Creutzig-Award 2014
In 2014, the Rheinisch-Westfälische Society for Nuclear Medicine granted the Hans-Creutzig-Award to Dr. Hans Wehrl for his publication
"Multimodal elucidation of choline metabolism in a murine glioma model using magnetic resonance spectroscopy and 11C-choline positron emission tomography" in the journal Cancer Research (Cancer Res. 2013 Mar 1;73(5):1470-80).
The Hans-Creutzig Prize is intended to reward work that is dedicated to nuclear medical tumour diagnostics, including magnetic resonance imaging.
Georg-von-Hevesy-Award 2013
On the 20th April 2013, the German Association of Nuclear Medicine (DGN) granted the Georg-von-Hevesy-Award to Dr. Kristina Fischer for her publication
"In vivo quantification of dopamine transporters in mice with unilateral 6-OHDA lesions using [(11)C]methylphenidate and PET" in the Journal "Neuroimage" (Neuroimage. 59(3):2413-22, 2012).
The prize was awarded at the 51. Annual Meeting in Bremen and has the purpose to promote young scientists in the area of clinical and/or experimental nuclear medicine. With this award, the DGN honors the pioneer in the area of nuclear medicine Georg von Hevesy who received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1943. He received the prize for his work on the use of isotopes as tracers in the study of chemical processes.

Prof. Dr. J. Kotzerke with awardee Dr. Kristina Fischer
DGN Promotion Prize 2013
On the 20th April 2013, the German Association of Nuclear Medicine (DGN) granted the prize for special achievements in the area of imaging to Hans Wehrl. He gained the prize for his excellent work in the area of PET/MR imaging.
With this prize, the DGN awards young scientists whose work significantly improved nuclear medicine imaging.

Prof. Dr. J. Kotzerke with awardee Hans Wehrl