Sequences and Signals
Our primary goal is to develop novel magnetic resonance techniques that are able to specifically probe the structural and biochemical composition of living tissue. This is closely linked with our interest to understand the details of magnetic resonance signal formation within a living environment, as nuclear magnetization is continuously influenced by different processes during its live time between excitation and relaxation. This is a simple, probably computationally demanding task, since we just have to forward the tiny fluctuating magnetic fields, which are sensed by the water during its random or oriented walk through tissue, to the Bloch or similar equations. A prominent example is the detection of neuronal activation with magnetic resonance, often called functional MRI or fMRI: increased neuronal activation increases the observed magnetic resonance signal, and sometimes vice versa. This BOLD effect currently is the working horse of numerous applications in cognitive and systems neurosciences.
Since the last years the focus if this research group is to explore new ways, still based on MR, to detect and process neuronal activation. To reach this goal, several projects listed below are conducted in parallel to overcome the obsolete EPI technique.
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