About us
The University of Stuttgart's Visualisation Research Centre (VISUS) is a central institution of the university. Together with the Institute for Visualisation and Interactive Systems (VIS), it represents the joint teaching and application-oriented research group started by Thomas Ertl in 1999. This group has developed to be one of the largest and most actively publishing ones in Europe. Its research interests include visual analysis of patent and text documents, visual analytics of environmental data and civil infrastructure, as well as visualisation of dynamic graphs and hierarchies. The core interests in scientific visualisation cover volume visualisation of medical and automotive data, flow and tensor field visualisation as well as molecular dynamics visualisation including protein dynamics and systems biology. VIS and VISUS are working on a multitude of projects from several funding agencies, but most notably two running collaborative research centres funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: SFB 716 (Dynamic simulation of systems with large particle numbers) and SFB-TRR 161 (Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing).