Computational methods are indispensable in vaccine design. Several aspects of computational immunomics are targeted in our group. As results of our research we provide services for the prediction of MHC binding and the antigen processing pathway, as well as for the optimization of epitope-based vaccines. Read more...

High-throughput analysis of proteomes and metabolomes plays an important role in biomedical research and development. Our group develops novel algorithms for the analysis of high-throughput proteomics and metabolomics data. We work in close collaboration with several leading groups world-wide to apply these methods to problems in cancer research, immunology, and stem cell research. Read more...

Our research in computational system biology focuses on the analysis of complex OMICS datasets in the context of networks, on the modeling and analysis of regulatory networks (in the context of cancer) and metabolic networks (in metabolic engineering). We primarily use approaches from graph theory for data integration and statistical learning. Read more...

In structural bioinformatics we are currently working on methods for protein engineering and design and also develop and apply a broad range of methods for computer-aided drug design. In the latter area, we are actively working on several targets, in targets related to anti-infectives and cancer-related kinases. Read More...