Dr. Julia Mannheim

PET, Nuclear & Optical Imaging Science
Scientific focus: PET, SPECT, CT evaluation
Curriculum vitae and Publications
Email: julia.mannheim( at )med.uni-tuebingen.de
+49 7071 29
+49 7071 29
Research interest
My research is focused on the evaluation of small animal PET, CT and SPECT scanners. Small animal PET and SPECT offers a variety of options to study in vivo drug biodistribution, receptor expression pattern, or physiological pathways in basic biomedical research of diseases and the development of new therapeutical concepts. Especially for preclinical systems it is important to yield high spatial resolution and high sensitivity in order to accurately display and quantify the in vivo tracer distribution. The focus of my research studies is especially determining the performance of small animal PET & SPECT scanners in regard to the quantification accuracy.